Programs available to Help tenants

The Rochester area has been facing both a health and a housing crisis due to the COVID-19 pandemic and the limited access to safe, affordable housing at this time. Although the pandemic eviction moratoriums have provided temporary relief to thousands of local residents, there are still many families and individuals who are behind in rent payments. Such housing instability can be devastating to health, finances, employment and future housing situations. Throughout the pandemic and beyond, Housing Council has been working to bring additional resources and relief to our community.

If you are a renter, it is important to know that the pandemic moratoriums have ended and you should make every effort to pay the rent when it is due. If you are struggling, there are resources available, especially if you have been impacted by COVID19. Your first step if you are in trouble, is to contact your landlord to discuss your situation and payment options. Open communication about the difficulties you may be facing, and how you can work together to overcome them, is the best way to start. Any agreement between you and your landlord should be put in writing.

As a renter, you are protected against housing discrimination and unlawful eviction, and entitled to live in safe and secure housing. In return, you must pay rent as outlined in your rental agreement, keep your apartment clean and safe and not cause or allow significant property damage. We offer a very thorough publication - Tenant’s Rights and Responsibilities - available on our website, where you can learn about many of the legalities of being a tenant in NY State.  

Our HUD-certified Housing Counselors are another reliable and knowledgeable resource for renters in the Monroe County area. If you are struggling to make payments, have a dispute with your landlord, or are concerned about living conditions, they can assess your situation, and make you aware of your available options and potential resources. They are fully knowledgeable about other community resources that may be available for you. The counselors can also help you make a plan for yourself and offer suggestions for moving forward. We currently have programs and resources specifically designed for tenants: 

Housing Counseling Stability Program: Through this program, The Housing Council will assist tenants in Monroe County who may be at risk of being evicted or forced out of their current home, experiencing unhealthy or unsafe housing, or experiencing challenges with their housing management or landlord. If you have received a notice from your landlord, are at risk of eviction or homelessness, or have maintenance concerns, this program may be able to improve your housing situation.

Keys to Renting is a free class to assist Monroe County residents understand their rights and responsibilities for a more stable home environment. Attendees receive guidance and education, assistance in finding an apartment, fair housing information, and may find that they are eligible for additional community and government resources. Visit our website calendar page for more details on dates and locations.

The Housing Hotline is a unique resource for our community, as an outlet that allows access to the expertise of our Housing Counselors. The Hotline is currently open from 9:00AM to 12:00PM, Monday through Friday. Information is provided to current and future homeowners, tenants and landlords on a wide variety of housing concerns, by calling 546-3700.

Programs for Landlords If yours is a small business landlord, we may be able to assist them with repairs, energy upgrades and other resources to improve their properties and create a better living environment.

The Housing Council website also has resources, including Fair Housing information, a Rental Registry where you can find available apartments, and a Frequently Asked Questions page

Additionally, there are resources specifically available for renters impacted by COVID-19. We’ve gathered all the local, state and federal programs on our COVID19 Resources page. We update this page regularly as these programs are subject to frequent changes. This information includes legal agencies which can help you if you have a court date scheduled, where to turn if you live outside the Monroe County area and more.

We realize that in these challenging times, too many families and individuals in our communities are at risk. Their health is at risk, as well as their financial security, and their ability to obtain a safe, affordable home. Tenants will continue to need support in as the economic impacts from the pandemic unfold and the lack of affordable housing continues. The Housing Council remains committed to providing support and resources to our community’s residents to make Rochester a better place to live.

housing council