Shining a Light on Fair Housing in 2023

The racial disparity in housing is a dark segment of American history that calls us to shine the light of truth upon it. While our country took steps forward by passing the Fair Housing Act of 1968, people of color continue to fall behind in homeownership rates compared to their white counterparts. According to the US Census Bureau, the current rate of black homeownership in Monroe County is only 31%, compared to 71% of whites. These disheartening statistics show the long-term impact of the housing policies and zoning requirements of the 20th century – laws explicitly written to uphold racist beliefs.

By denying generations of black families the opportunity to become homeowners, our community faces the impact of the growing gap in wealth through equity building. The real-world implications of this disparity have been devastating to individual families and the community at large. This lack of wealth negatively impacts employment opportunities, health outcomes, and overall resiliency. When a crisis hits, the family with wealth will be able to recover, but the one without a safety net will fall. The practice of redlining neighborhoods has had lingering effects on the ability of black families to live and raise their children where they choose. These injustices have concentrated poverty rates, kept quality schools out of reach, and moved opportunities for strong employment away from those who need them most.

The Housing Council at PathStone is taking action to shine a light on these issues and provide community tools to build solutions. Through our homeownership services, we assist our neighbors to be successful homeowners and attain housing stability, building wealth. We are elevating the barriers to moving to high-performing communities through innovative incentive programs. We partner with new housing providers to understand our history through education and provide technical assistance. Our team of compassionate and dedicated staff use their skills as HUD-Certified Housing Counselors to educate future and current homeowners, tenants, and landlords on their rights and responsibilities. We work with our partners in the community, local governments, and funders to remove barriers to housing availability and affordability for our neighbors to bring the comfort of home to everyone.

Please join us in April as we will celebrate Fair Housing Month. It is an opportunity to remember the progress we've achieved and address the gaps in housing equity.

housing council